Queen’s Model united nations conference
February 28th - March 1st
About QMUN
The Queen's Model United Nations (QMUN) 2020 will be held from February 28th to March 1st on the campus of Queen’s University for students at Queen's University and other local university students. QMUN’s mandate is to connect students from a diverse range of backgrounds and interests to international issues in a setting that allows for them to discuss, debate, and resolve relevant contentious issues. QMUN is an opportunity for non-QIAA affiliated students interested in understanding more about United Nations matters and structure to get more involved through debate and resolution building on contentious issues. In addition, QMUN can foster connections and bonds between students centered around a global mindset and interdisciplinary issues.Run by Queen's International Affairs Association (QIAA), the conference is organized by a group of individuals who are passionate about politics, have extensive Model UN experience, and who are working tirelessly to create an incredible experience for all delegates. We hope you will join us this spring to learn, debate and work together to bring about global change!