QMUN offers a range of committees appropriate to any level of experience. While there are recommended categories, anyone can register for whatever topic they please, as long as space is available. Committees get smaller as they get more advanced, and they also give delegates more autonomy.


Beginner Committees



Concerning the Last Drop is a futuristic take on the world’s largest modern issue. Join ECOSOC as they tackle the harsh realities of resource depletion. Debate the best strategy for the redistribution of oil and advocate for the revolutionary water purification development that could save millions. Concerning the Last Drop concerns everything from human rights, to economics, to political hegemony as the world grapples with the consequences of apathy and greed. Look forward to 2037 as world leaders look to the UN for guidance on how to deal with a planet that is running dry. 



Migration, in a variety of forms, has come to the forefront of international discussion within recent years. There are a number of relevant crises occurring across the world. Among the most pressing are US-Mexico and Mexico-Guatemala borders in the Americas, the pressure put on the countries on the borders of Myanmar in Asia, and the difficulties experienced as fallout from the Syrian and Yemeni conflicts in the Middle East. As the international community struggles to deal with these waves of human migration, humane treatment comes to the forefront. Immigration and Deportation have found their way into national and international discourse. In this session of the UNHRC, delegates are tasked with defending the rights of migrants across the globe.


Intermediate Committees



Welcome Presidents and Senators, the year is 1700 and Russia has just entered into the Great Northern war with Sweden, and Tsar Peter I (Peter the Great) needs your guidance! Peter’s newly reformed government made up of Colleges; state ministries led by presidents, and the advisory senate is needed to hastily reform and Westernize the Russian military and create battle plans. War is upon Russia, is this Peter’s chance to lead Russia to emerge as a great Western power, or will Russia fall flat? The fate will be in your hands!



Ladies and gentlemen, heroes and rogues, welcome to Fabletown!

Fabletown seems like every other area of New York; however, it holds a great secret. Fabletown is where the Fables, characters from fairy tales and folklore such as Snow White, Cinderella and the Big Bad Wolf live in secret. The Fables have formed their own community and government within New York after being chased out of their Homelands. Humans are unaware of their presence in the human world, as they use magic called glamour to stay hidden. In this committee, you will be representing citizens of Fabletown at a town meeting to set rules and combat the problems that the town is experiencing.

A town full of fables can surely give the impression of a fairytale come true. However, fables now have to face different issues. Glamour is becoming harder to get and an illegal market for unreliable cheap glamour is growing. Moreover, an underground crime ring is making its way to Fabletown. Led by the mysterious Crooked Man, corruption and crime are increasing and might have even made their way into the committee itself! In short, the Fables are far from their happily ever after. Will you delegates be able to give the town its storybook ending?


Experienced Committees



On behalf of the Queen’s National Model United Nations conference team I welcome you to the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance Committee! In this committee you will be discussing the security and intelligence nhistoricaleeds of a secret alliance formed between the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. You, the delegates, will represent the Directors, Chiefs, and Commanders of the security and defence agencies that make up the Five Eyes Alliance in the year 1996, and you will be tasked with guiding your country through difficult security and intelligence issues. The most recent incident involving extraterrestrial activity was the Phoenix Lights incident: a group of strange lights in a V formation were spotted above Phoenix, Arizona. This committee must succeed in suppressing public knowledge of extraterrestrials while also avoiding attention from Interpol, who are looking to investigate any international suppression of knowledge by a major group such as the Five Eyes, as well as having to deal with new technologies such as the Internet or perhaps even experimental alien tech. The public’s and Interpol’s ability to live their lives without care for alien activity is in your hands, good luck!